What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

SERVPRO Of Harlingen & San Benito personnel clearly explained the cleaning and restoration process throughout the duration of the job.

SERVPRO Of Harlingen & San Benito office staff was courteous, polite, and helpful throughout the duration of the job. 

Matthew and Aaron from SERVPRO Harlingen/San Benito delivered some delicious cookies in observance of Memorial Day, they also completed an Emergency Ready Plan for us, and we are very happy with their business!

SERVPRO of Harlingen/San Benito was very efficient with my tenants Emergency Ready Plans. I have already given them a list of my other tenants so they can be prepared as well.

The 2 individuals that came into my office were very professional and prepared an Emergency Plan for my agency. Thank you!

SERVPRO put all of my information in one place with their Emergency Readiness Plan, I am very grateful for that and will mention it to all of my tenants.